CCDF200.ZIP 99,063 01-01-95 Convert comma-delimited data to columnar datawith CCDF. Some programs can not read comma-delimited data but can understand the data ifit is arranged in columns. Don't re-key your
data, and don't pull out your hair! Use CCDF!From Pinnacle Software
CLRCUBE.ZIP 184,949 10-06-94 ColorCube - color coding of specific rangesof data
DDFILE70.ZIP 461,071 11-25-94 ddFile 7.0a is a powerful and flexibledatabase manager for both the professionaland the beginner alike. Do bulk mailings,mail merge, dupe checking, import/export,sort, filter, and more. ddFile was written
especially for mailing list management butcan be used to manage any dBase III file forjust about any purpose. Shareware from DoctorData Software.
DM31.ZIP 436,800 10-19-94 DATA MASTER, VERSION 3.1 <ASP> LAN-READYDBASE DATABASE MANAGEMENT PROGRAM- Create,modify, and sort standard dBase files.including memo fields. Add, edit, find, andbrowse records easily. Includes Report
Writer, Form Letter Utility, Mailing LabelUtility, duplicate checker, spreadsheet/dBaseconversion, etc.
EB5.ZIP 1201,307 12-15-94 EASY BASE V5.0 <ASP> - Rapid ApplicationDeveloper (RAD) for data management. - EasyBase is the first true RAD system to beavailable on shareware. Create sophisticatedmenu driven apps in record time. Applications
created in Easy Base can be sold as standalone programs with the Easy Base RuntimeModule (not Included). Database ApplicationsReg. $25 EASY SOFTWARE
IP300.ZIP 510,212 12-06-94 INFORMATION PLEASE v3.00 <ASP> A Free Formtextbase (database) for anyone who wants tostore textual information, such as productdescriptions, catalogs, memos, descriptions,etc., then retreive, view or print by a
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PCAL1471.ZIP 198,976 11-27-94 PERSONAL CALENDAR(tm) v14.71 <ASP> - TSR PIM.Appointment reminder (tickler), clock,scrollable calendar, notepad, and historicaltracker (diary). Deluxe, flexible, friendyPersonal Information Manager, runs as a
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QC21A.ZIP 185,650 10-28-94 Colorcube 2.1a color graphics add-on for DOSbased database management
SHARE.ZIP 39,349 11-07-94 Checks to see if share or vshare is loaded
SKIP107.ZIP 420,634 10-06-94 SKIP v1.07 LABEL UTILITY by ETS Inc. AddressLabel program prints LABELS, POSTCARDS,BUSINESS CARDS, print from a database, mustsee to appreciate! Laser Printer +EGA/VGA+Mouse required. IBM EGA/VGA+Mouse
required. $10.00 Great for "Viking" typelabels!
WML25E.ZIP 356,299 12-23-94 What Mailing List? 2.5e list organizer &printer